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Music That's Good for What Ails Ya!

When the Snake Oil Barons roll into town, crowds gather to get a taste of the band’s unique mojo-infused musical elixir. Rumored to cure all maladies known to man and beast, the Barons’ intoxicating brew is a veritable gumbo of Rock, Blues, and R&B, infused with New Orleans spice, blended with Chicago grit, and spiked with a shot of moonshine!


The Snake Oil Barons hail from Chicago's western suburbs, and the band features four of the area’s finest musicians who bring passion and energy to an eclectic variety of music that provides something for everyone! Whether you like rockin’ and dancing the night away, chilling out in a hazy blues club, or partying New Orleans Carnival-style, the Snake Oil Barons' 100-proof groove formulation is sure to keep your feet moving and your fingers tapping!

"Great tunes! Real music! 

 Phenomenal variety! Get out to hear the Snake Oil Barons!"

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"Every Snake Oil Barons show is a Rockin', Bluesy, Mardi Gras Party!"

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